Wednesday, April 16, 2008

The Logical Choice to Replace Hillier: Walter Natynchuk

Speculation is already rife about who should replace Hillier as a recent CBC article notes:
"There are a handful of generals at the top of the list," Cudmore said, "all from the army."

Among them are Lt.-Gen. Andrew Leslie, the head of the army, Lt.-Gen. Michel Gauthier, who has spent the past two years helping to run operations in Afghanistan, and Lt-Gen. Walter Natynchuk, currently Hillier's second-in-command.......

Walter Natynchuk aka Walter Natynczyk is a logical successor to Hiller and has all the qualifications for serving as a helpmeet and junior partner for our great Hegemon neighbour to the south. He was trained in the U.S. and even was awarded a medal by Canada for his service in the Iraq war! A war that we are supposed not to have supported! This is from an earlier blog post of mine.The blog contains the full article on Natynchuk.

"Canadian L. General Awarded Medal for Service in Iraq Occupation

Lieutenant General Walter Natynczyk is now our vice Chief of Defence Staff. Trained by the US worked for the US in a war we opposed and he went there while a Canadian govt. opposed to the Iraq war was in power. Subsequently he was rewarded with a medal for his valiant service for US imperialism. The first quote is from espritdecorps Notice that in Iraq Natynczyk was a deputy commanding general of the multi-national forces not exactly a minor role.

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