Sunday, April 8, 2007

Pembina Institute: Oil Sands Blueprint

This is a media release from the Pembina Institute based in Alberta. It is a moderate left think tank. Notice that the Institute suggests that Albertan's should think like an owner rather than that they should be owners and have the government own and develop the oil sands! Let the corporations do that for their own profit but of course "responsibly". To do that responsibly is for them to maximise the profit for their shareholders not Albertans unless they hold shares in the companies involved. The entire blueprint can be downloaded at the Pembina Institute website.
Apr 2, 2007

Oil Sands Blueprint Calls for Responsible Resource Development

Media Contact: Chris Severson-Baker, Dan Woynillowicz

In response to Phase II of the Alberta Oil Sands Consultations, the Pembina Institute released a blueprint that calls for a moratorium on new oil sands project approvals and lease sales until six key requirements for responsible development are addressed.

In the first round of public oil sands consultations last fall, hundreds of Albertans made their vision for oil sands development heard. This vision differs drastically from the current situation, in which the Government of Alberta and the oil industry have focused on rapid - rather than responsible - development.

The scope and scale of oil sands projects have expanded dramatically without a government plan for managing the environmental, social and economic implications of this growth. The result is a serious environmental, social and infrastructure deficit that is affecting the quality of life in Alberta.

"Alberta is in urgent need of a responsible development framework. With no public debt, a culture of entrepreneurship and innovation, and engaged citizens, we can find a way to develop the oil sands responsibly and bring about sustained benefits that improve our quality of life," says Dan Woynillowicz, a Senior Policy Analyst with the Pembina Institute.

The Pembina Institute's blueprint outlines six key elements that serve as the basis for such a plan. These elements include:

Limit Environmental Impacts: Apply science-based precautionary limits that tell us when ecosystems are threatened, so that we can make informed decisions about whether and how oil sands projects proceed.
Address Cumulative Impacts: Improve the systems and approaches for monitoring and addressing the impacts of oil sands development on the climate, air, fresh water, boreal forest and wildlife.
Focus on Quality of Life: Manage the rate of oil sands growth to maximize the benefits to Albertans' quality of life, and ensure that social services and infrastructure can keep pace.
Think Like an Owner: Reform the oil sands royalty regime so that Albertans obtain maximum value from the development of the resources they own.
Make Better Decisions for Albertans: Reform the Energy and Utilities Board's decision-making process so that the public interest comes first and only responsible oil sands projects proceed.
Plan for the Future: Take advantage of Alberta's prosperity so as to build a more diversified, green and competitive future that includes low-impact renewable energies and responsible energy use.

"A pause on new project approvals would give the government time to implement rules needed to ensure responsible development," said Chris Severson-Baker, Director of the Pembina Institute's Energy Watch Program. "It would also give us, as Albertans, the chance to tell our grandkids that we took the time to get it right."

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